ssd 设备#
最近在 virt-manager 添加虚拟磁盘时发现,无论如何都会被识别成 hdd,在查找一番后发现了
The optional attribute rotation_rate sets the rotation rate of the storage for disks on a SCSI, IDE, or SATA bus. Values in the range 1025 to 65534 are used to indicate rotational media speed in revolutions per minute. A value of one is used to indicate solid state, or otherwise non-rotational, storage. These values are not required to match the values of the underlying host storage. Since 0.0.3; bus attribute since 0.4.3; tray attribute since 0.9.11; "usb" attribute value since after 0.4.4; "sata" attribute value since 0.9.7; "removable" attribute value since 1.1.3; "rotation_rate" attribute value since 7.3.0
可选属性 rotation_rate 设置 SCSI、IDE 或 SATA 总线上磁盘的存储旋转速率。1025 到 65534 范围内的值用于指示旋转介质速度(以每分钟转数为单位)。值一用于指示固态或非旋转存储。这些值不需要与底层主机存储的值匹配。 从 0.0.3 开始;从 0.4.3 开始 “bus” 属性;从 0.9.11 开始 "tray" 属性;0.4.4 之后的 “usb” 属性值 ;自 0.9.7 起 “sata” 属性值;自 1.1.3 起, “removable” 属性值;自 7.3.0 起的 “rotation_rate” 属性值
<disk type='block' device='lun'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
<source dev='/dev/sda'>
<slice type='storage' offset='12345' size='123'/>
<reservations managed='no'>
<source type='unix' path='/path/to/qemu-pr-helper' mode='client'/>
<target dev='sda' bus='scsi' rotation_rate='1'/>
<address type='drive' controller='0' bus='0' target='3' unit='0'/>
在 virt-manager-> 编辑 -> 首选项 -> 常规 -> 启用 xml 编辑
再在 target 属性添加rotation_rate='1'
nvme 设备#
<domain type='kvm'>
<domain xmlns:qemu="" type="kvm">
<qemu:arg value="-drive"/>
<qemu:arg value="file=/mnt/windows/tmp/archlinux.qcow2,format=raw,if=none,id=nvm"/>
<qemu:arg value="-device"/>
<qemu:arg value="nvme,drive=nvm,serial=nvm"/>
<qemu:arg value="-drive"/>
<qemu:arg value="file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/archlinux-3.qcow2,format=raw,if=none,id=nvm-1"/>
<qemu:arg value="-device"/>
<qemu:arg value="nvme,drive=nvm-1,serial=nvm-1,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x11"/>
如果虚拟 pcie 插槽地址重复可以修改 addr 值